Accessibility Policy

Website Accessibility Policy

ATTENTION : Cette page est rédigée en anglais car la plupart des clauses de non-responsabilité sont destinées à ce public spécifique.

Do you need assistance with accessing something on Please send an email to We welcome your feedback and are committed to meeting the needs of our readers.

At, I am working hard on making this site accessible and offering a quality online experience through this website. I am also working to ensure that everyone, including persons with disabilities, has full and equal access to this blog and the recipes contained herein. is a French owned website, however we are working to make every possible effort to meet ADA website guidelines and standards, and where we don't meet those standards, please understand that we are working actively to meet the standards simply as good business practice.

Given the overall complexity of the ADA website standards, I'm learning how to make this website more accessible to everyone on every level and will work to put a plan into place to keep my website up to date with ADA standards upon learning new information regarding those standards.

To learn more about this website, visit the Disclaimers page, Politique Confidentialite or Conditions Generales page or the Mentions Legales page.

This page was last updated on March 23, 2023.

Scott Groth image for I'd Rather Be A Chef
I'm Scott, just a regular guy who has experienced amazing benefits from embracing a low carb (occasionally keto) lifestyle. Join me as I share low carb recipes that are family friendly, delicious and fun to eat. Discover more about me in my Bio, explore whether my Low Carb Journey resonates with you, and if you also believe we are stronger together, then sign up for my LOW CARB NEWSLETTER.

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