How To Start A Low Carb Diet Right NOW!

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Scott is a LOW CARB and KETO believer who shares his recipes on I'd Rather Be A Chef in the hope that it will help others trying to find their way with this lifestyle. He embraced the low carb way of eating two years ago and has maintained more than a 130lb weight loss since then. Find him on Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest.

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Scott Groth image for I'd Rather Be A Chef

I'm Scott, just a regular guy who has experienced amazing benefits from embracing a low carb (occasionally keto) lifestyle. Join me as I share low carb recipes that are family friendly, delicious and fun to eat.

Discover more about me in my Bio, explore whether my Low Carb Journey resonates with you, and if you also believe we are stronger together, then sign up for my LOW CARB NEWSLETTER.

As Seen On:

As seen on healthline, men's journal, greatist, buzzfeed, nom nom network, djfoodie, brit+co, goodnet